Still, the thought of being out on a large river and out of your boat was a little disconcerting. However, when using a self-baling, sit-on-top kayak, re-entry is not a difficult maneuver. This is made even easier if you are wearing --and you should be -- a properly fitting and properly buoyant personal flotation device.
Thanks to the folks at, here is how to re-enter your kayak from deep water:
- If you don't have a paddle leash, put your paddle across the end of your boat
. With your kayak right side up, reach for the far side of the cockpit with one hand.
- Reach for the near side of the cockpit with the other hand.
- Flutter kick your feet and using a motion similar to how you get out of a swimming pool, onto the side of the pool, pull yourself across the boat. You may feel the boat tip some toward you, this is fine, this helps you to get into the boat.
- When your belly is in the boat and your hips are past the side of the boat, roll over so that you are sitting side-saddle in the boat.
- Now simply pull your legs into your boat and you are ready to go.
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