Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 5:14 PM

5.02 miles
77° 49% humidity

The local forecast has been for rain from Tuesday through the weekend. 

Yesterday I woke up early to walk before work. We got dressed and walked out the door, determined to walk even though it was lightly raining. We had just walked out to the driveway when there was a big clap of thunder. I don't mind walking in the rain, but I am NOT going to walk in lightening and thunder. So no walk yesterday.

It didn't look like we were going to be able to walk today because we had the same forecast. In fact, it stormed all last night. But by five o'clock we had a window of opportunity, even though the sky was still very cloudy.

The temperature was nice and even though it has been rainy, it wasn't too humid. There was a nice breeze most of the time we walked.

We followed the neighborhoods to Ashland Place and then walked back.

I am disappointed I won't meet my mileage goal for the month, but the days leading up to Emmie's graduation along with the inclement weather gave us more no-days and short days than I expected.

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