Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Belong to You

In Labor and Delivery where I work, each mother and baby couplet are tagged together with matching bracelets.  The mother wears one and the baby two.  Each bracelet has a bold black number which connects the two together.

On the footprint sheet upon which the baby's first --and official-- footprints are recorded, is also recorded this bold black number.  The mother's fingerprint is also on this sheet.  So, before the baby leaves the room  in which it was born, it is tagged as belonging to the mother and it will wear this identification the whole time it is in the hospital.

The moment we accept the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we become imprinted with HIS identification as well.  We are identified with Him in a way which will never be removed.  He creates in us  a new heart created in righteousness (His righteousness) and true holiness, and we enter into the family of Father, Son and Holy Spirit that has always existed from before the creation of the worlds.

What a wonderful thought that even if I temporarily forget "who I am", He does not.  I am identified with Him -- I am imprinted with His name, His Spirit, His life -- and I cannot be lost from Him no matter what.

"And I give unto them eternal life;
and they shall never perish, 
neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand." 
John 10:28

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