we will post items

upcoming vacation.
13 Days to Go.
252 dollars.
In change.
Yesterday I handed Glen a bag with $252 in change to take to the bank. For weeks and weeks, he has been emptying his pockets into a jar and each week I've been taking those coins and squirreling them away. The night before payday, I've been emptying my wallet of whatever coins I had left into the jar. Slowly, the amount of change began to aid up into more and more dollars. The change accumulated from our pockets, found dropped on the floor and emptied from wallets is almost enough to pay for the rental car (thanks to that great deal from Enterprise!)
We didn't set out to save a couple hundred dollars in change, over $140 in quarters, and over $50 dollars in dimes. It just added up, coin on coin.
While I was rolling all those coins, I thought about how easy it had been to amass that amount of money. It was almost effortless. Then I began to wonder, why couldn't other things that are important -- even more important to us -- be the same way?
If I want to memorize Scripture, then just do a tiny bit each day. Word on word, phrase on phrase. If I want to read the Bible all the way through, do a few verses each day, verse upon verse upon verse. Slowly, steadily, eventually, we will accomplish that goal that is set before us. The accomplishment comes in the continual "pressing toward the mark." The doing it, little by little, each day, not trying to do everything at once, or hours worth each day. The little drip creates the great crevice in the rock over days and years.
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." (2 Timothy 4:7,8)
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